APL - Air Pumping Ltd
APL stands for Air Pumping Ltd
Here you will find, what does APL stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Air Pumping Ltd? Air Pumping Ltd can be abbreviated as APL What does APL stand for? APL stands for Air Pumping Ltd. What does Air Pumping Ltd mean?The based company is located in engaged in mechanical or industrial engineering industry.
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Alternative definitions of APL
- Applied Physics Laboratory
- American President Lines
- Animal Planet Live
- programming language
- Apple
- Nampula airport
- A Programming Language
- associative programming language
View 347 other definitions of APL on the main acronym page
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- AGI Animal Genetics Inc.
- ADB After Dark Bp
- ALB Aunt Lute Books
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- ARS Apex Reimbursement Specialists
- ASF Axel Springer France
- ABD Art By Design
- ARL Academic Research Laboratory
- APGT Applied Psychology Group of Texoma
- AASI Amigo Auto Sales Inc
- AAMI American Acceptance Mortgage Inc
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